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Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Mayhem: April 16, 2012

Can you believe it is Monday again already? This week's mystery photo is brought to you by the letter 'E', the number 3, and the color green. Sorry I had a Sesame Street moment there. As always you MUST be a member of this blog to win, guesses MUST be posted here, and you cannot win two week's in a row. Any member who gets a freind to sign up here, wins a set of our magnets.

Here is the mystery photo:

mayhem 41612

And here is what you win:

mayhem 41612 prize

And here are the magnets for helping us build a following:




  1. Bicycle wheel spokes ?

  2. stems of a dandelion(however you spell it)

  3. Good guesses but both incorrect! Guess again!

  4. my only other guess is a vanilla bean

  5. Dave we think alike. I thought it was nails too. But I'm afraid we don't have a winner yet. Keep guessing!

  6. Clue #1: While it looks like a pile of random pieces, this is a single item.

  7. Here is the BIG clue! I am going to list five words...all the information you need to guess will be revealed if you can figure out the clues.

    ~ Water
    ~ Helium
    ~ Intense
    ~ Soda
    ~ Kitchen

    Good luck!

  8. We have a winner! Yes it is a wire whisk found in most kitchens!
